Local Produce

Apple Jelly & Dried Apple Chips

Popular souvenir items produced locally by Farm Agrigate "Hoku Hoku Farm" in Sobetsu.

Name Apple Jelly & Dried Apple Chips
Address 384 Takinomachi Sōbetsu-chō, Usu-gun, Hokkaidō 052-0101 Michi-no-eki "Joho-kan", SAMS
TEL 0142-66-3600
Business Hours Summer Time: 9:00-17:30 / Winter Time:9:00-17:00
Closed on Summer: no holidays / Winter: between Nov.16 to March 31 every Tuesday closed (also during New Year holidays Dec.31-Jan.5)

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Shop is located in the Sobetsu Road Station "Johokan": Local Produce Shop SAMS

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