Events & Festivals

Scenic Night in Sobetsu "Joho-Kan i "(Toyako Area)

  • Winter

Ice-candle event held in Sobetsu Road Station "Joho-kan". Not only candles made of ice are lit when it's getting dark, but visitors have the chance to take part in several fun activities: a crafting corner where you can make a candle holder out of a recycling bin by scratching your design into the bin, or a fun experience making traditional rice cake "mochi" by stomping rice in a wooden pot. Outside of the Road Station you will find also a lit-up snow statue and the home-made ice-candle holders lined up. Come and have fun at this wintery event! (*Activities are subject to change every year)

Name Scenic Night in Sobetsu "Joho-Kan i "(Toyako Area)
Address 384-1Taknomachi Sōbetsu-chō,Usu-gun,Hokkaidō (Sobetsu Road Station "Joho-kan" 1st floor)
TEL 0142-66-2750 (NPO Sobetsu Tourist Association)
Business Hours 15:00-18:00
Note Held every year by end of January. For more details on the upcoming event date, please see the blog of this site, or the Facebook page of Sobetsu Tourist Association.

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