The Fudoson Festival is a local festival at the "Fudoson Church" (a mixture between Shintoism and Buddhism), including fascinating rituals such as carrying a portable shrine through the town, swaying and praying for the health and security of the town's families, visitors and also for the prosperity of the businesses. At one point the men carrying the shrine are entering Sobetsu river to cross it from the red bridge up to the temple. Another highlight is the crossing of fire on the same day in the afternoon, as well as the throwing of rice balls for everyone to pick up.
Name | Fudoson Festival |
Address | Fudo-Kyokai , 428 Takinomachi Sōbetsu-chō,Usu-gun,Hokkaido 052-0101 |
TEL | 0142-66-2754 |
Note | Event is held every year in beginning of September. |